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Knowledge Base of Relational and NoSQL Database Management Systemsprovided by solid IT

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Evaluating Hbase and Aerospike Solutions for Real-time System of Record
17 March 2023,  Srini Srinivasan, Aerospike (sponsor) 

MySQL is the DBMS of the Year 2023
3 January 2023, Matthias Gelbmann, Paul Andlinger

Cloud-based DBMS's popularity grows at high rates
12 December 2023, Paul Andlinger

The most popular database management systems

3.Microsoft SQL Server1076



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The DB-Engines Ranking is a list of DBMS ranked by their current popularity. The list is updated monthly.

The most important properties of numerous systems are shown in the overview of database management systems. You can examine the properties for each system, and you can compare them side by side.

In the database encyclopedia terms and concepts on this topic are explained.

DB-Engines has been created and is maintained by solid IT.

If you have suggestions, questions or general feedback, we would appreciate to get a message from you.



科学上网 请从选择浏览器开始 最好的浏览器推荐给最好的你 ...:2021-2-17 · UP自用浏览器推荐ying 活动作品 科学上网 请从选择浏览器开始 最好的浏览器推荐给最好的你 ... 【免费加速器】不用邀请,不限时长加速。完全免费。你的Epic 还登不上吗?玩游戏卡顿,服务器进不去。这两款就够了 金蝉叔 35.8万播放 · 160弹幕 ...
2 August 2023, The Motley Fool

How the Apache Cassandra community stopped fighting to build its best release yet
22 July 2023, TechRepublic

Better Cannabis Stock: Canopy Growth or Aurora Cannabis?
2 August 2023, Nasdaq

MySQL drops master-slave and blacklist-whitelist terminology
6 July 2023, ZDNet

provided by Google News


» more DBMS events
PostgreSQL event
PostgreSQL Online Trainings
Online Training Courses
4 May 2023 - 11 December 2023

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